Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another Pelee run!

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Photo by Marianne Balkwill

I got off work early today so it was straight to Pelee. Arriving around 4pm I decided not to walk the west beach as strong West (west southwest?) winds would probably prove not to be too productive as the other day. Instead I parked at Sleepy Hollow and walked to Dunes through the Seasonal Birding Trail and then back again along the bike trail. Lots of White-throated Sparrows scolded me and sang their presence. A Nasville Warbler was mixed in with them. A male Eastern Towhee sang from a conspicuous perch. Winding back along the bike trail I had a Hermit Thrush, 3 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Golden-crowned Kinglet, along with a Blue-headed Vireo and a singing Pine Warbler.

My next stop was at Blue Heron. Walking near the marsh I had more Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet, Cardinals, 2 Yellow-rumped Warblers, another Towhee, 2 Blue-grey Gnatcatchers, more White-throated Sparrows, a Song Sparrow, and I heard a Virginia Rail calling from the marsh. A Sharp-shinned Hawk also glided over alarming everyone, including a scolding Black-capped Chickadee.

Around the Cactail Cafe I had yet another Yellow-rumped Warbler, and another Blue-headed Vireo, along with a Dark-eyed Junco and a Chipping Sparrow. A pair of Canada Geese were already out with their 2 goslings.

I'm also seeing more birders as well. Always nice to see everyone again!

Also had a Green Heron along concession E.

Of course the most notable birds were west of Point Pelee today including a Harris' Sparrow in the town of Harrow and a White-faced Ibis at Big Creek near Amherstburg! Luckily I have both these species on my lifelist!

This weekend is looking very promising with the wind eventually switching to the south. I have Sunday off so it should be great if the rain holds off!

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