The Grey Jay. Also known as the Whiskey Jack, Canada Jay, Camp Robber, Whiskey John, Moose-bird, Meat Hawk, Carrion Bird, Grease Bird, and Venison name a few. Photo by Marianne Balkwill
Aaron making lunch with our portable camp stove. It was a little windy and we were having problems with the fuel, hence the snow fort around our food.Homemade dehydes. This is beef rice with green beans and red peppers. Eat your heart out Mountain House!!!
What is better than feeding a Chickadee out of the hand? Feeding 2 Chickadees of course!! Photo by Aaron Balkwill.
On the weekend of February 19th to the 21st, Aaron and I decided to head up to Algonquin Provincial Park. We wanted to rent a yurt, but unfortunately they were all rented for that weekend...they only have two.
Aaron making lunch with our portable camp stove. It was a little windy and we were having problems with the fuel, hence the snow fort around our food.
What is better than feeding a Chickadee out of the hand? Feeding 2 Chickadees of course!! Photo by Aaron Balkwill.
We walked a few trails including, Whiskey Rapids, Beaver Pond, and the Spruce Boardwalk trail twice trying to find Spruce Grouse, but to no avail. We also tried, after getting some advise from Justin Peter, to look for Spruce Grouse down Opeongo Road. Once again I go home with Spruce Grouse being my nemesis boreal species.
As far as wildlife goes it was pretty quiet. We didn't even see a moose! We did see White-tailed Deer, and American Martin. Birds included, Grey Jay, Blue Jay, Red-tailed Hawk, Black capped-Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, American Goldfinch and Common Raven. It definitely isn't a Winter finch year that is for sure, but it was still nice to get away from home, and see some friends, family and some wildlife we normally don't get down here in Essex County.
Nice shot of the Grey Jay! I've never seen one, but I will keep an eye out next time I go up north. - Dwayne